17 Photos That Prove Argentina is a Nature-Lover's Dream

The incredible natural beauty of Argentina
The incredible natural beauty of Argentina | © Juan Montiel/Flickr
Sorcha O'Higgins

Argentina is one of the most beautiful places on the planet. From the vast expanse of Patagonia to the jungle wilderness of Misiones and the arid landscapes of Salta, it is a veritable haven for lovers of nature. Here are 17 photos that prove Argentina is a nature-lover’s dream.

The icy wonder of the Perito Moreno glacier, Patagonia

The ice wall of Perito Moreno

The stunning beauty of the Iguazu Falls, Misiones

Iguazu Falls, Misiones

The undulating geological formations in Salta

Mountains in Salta

All the colours of the rainbow in Patagonia

The wilds of Patagonia

A walk in the country in Necochea, Buenos Aires province

Campo scenes in Buenos Aires province

Ranch life in Ushuaia, Patagonia

Gaucho life at a Patagonian estancia

Pastoral scenes at the End of the World, Ushuaia

Mountain peaks, valleys and lakes in Patagonia

The virgin oasis of the Ibera Wetlands

Sunsets like you’ve never seen in Corrientes, Argentina

Conquer the glaciers in Glaciers National Park, Patagonia

Big ice in Patagonia

See the sunrise over the vineyards in Mendoza against the backdrop of the incredible Andes

Wine country, Mendoza

The rustic charm of the Tigre delta, Buenos Aires

Live out your Tom Sawyer fantasy in Tigre

See blues you’ve never imagined in Patagonia, Argentina

Lago Argentino, Patagonia

Lakes for miles in Bariloche, Argentina

The Seven Lakes district, Bariloche

Touch the sky in the Cordoba sierras

The undulating sierras of Cordoba

See the soaring peaks of Mount Fitz Roy, Patagonia

Granite grandeur, Mount Fitz Roy, Patagonia

Experience the vast plains of salt flats in Salta

Salty scenes in Salta

Lose yourself in the natural splendour of the jungle in Misiones

Jungle madness in Misiones

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